Elaine Chosen

High rollers Sign!

Who Are High Rollers and Where to Find Them?

This article is dedicated to all new people to the world of casinos and those who decided to change their usual ways and try some new techniques of playing casi...
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How Cleopatra Trained the Lunar Dragon

This story happened many years ago, when the Earth was inhabited by exotic creatures and the Moon was still an undiscovered land, full of mysteries. Back then, ...

Success Story of the Day: William the Winner!

When was the last time you got extremely lucky? Can you recall your luckiest event in life? Maybe you won some money playing the lottery, maybe you hit the jack...
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The One About Cat Heaven

Once upon a time, on the other side of the Moon there lived a lovely ginger cat named Gingerbread. He was a nice little chap in one of his nine lives! But in th...

Common Worldwide Gambling Superstitions

It isn’t a secret that gamblers are probably the most superstitious people. They will do anything to improve their odds and to try to win over Lady Luck. There ...

Why Are Eco-Friendly Casinos so Important?

Our plastic litter kills around 100,000 marine animals per year. Around 250 million documented cases of various diseases are caused by direct contact with conta...

Top 14 List of Best Gambling Anime

Profound melancholy and the traditionally unforgiving themes of living, winning, and salvation have an even deeper meaning in the land of the Rising Sun. The Ja...